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Monday, 28 May 2012

Action on the soccer field.

Mittagong Under 8's is having a good season. We have won the last two matches. The boys are really starting to get the hang of the game and the dynamics of their team. It's exciting to see all of the boys improve each week. 

The boys are from different schools and grades to make up the Mittagong team, but with the blow of that whistle they become a dynamic single-minded body of boys all aiming to play their best.

The great thing about community sport is that it brings parents together too. Perhaps people who wouldn't ordinarily mix get rugged up and ready to cheer on each other's children for an hour every Saturday morning.

the Mums and Dads brave 6 degree day to watch the match

Ned is having a great time and it is so rewarding for us as parents to see him out there having a go and relating to other children.  
action shot of Ned

love the focus
Ned's efforts on the soccer pitch inspire us to go out and give life our best, too.

the entire family braves the cold
(as if they weren't cold enough we enjoyed a Mr Whippy icecream later!)